1) International Affairs
UNGA adopts India-led resolution declaring 2023 as International Year of Millets

The UN General Assembly adopted by consensus a resolution sponsored by India and supported by over 70 nations declaring 2030 as the International Year of Millets.
The International Year of Millets is aimed at raising awareness about the health benefits of the grain and its suitability for cultivation under changing climatic conditions
The resolution titled “International Year of Millets” was initiated by India with Bangladesh, Kenya, Nepal, Nigeria, Russia, and Senegal and it was co-sponsored by over 70 nations.
Quick Fact: UN General Assembly was founded in 1945, New York, United States.
2) Government Scheme
CM of Tripura launches a digital platform ‘Jagrut Tripura’

The Tripura government has come up with a digital platform ‘Jagat Tripura’ to help people get benefits from various schemes of the Centre and the state government.
The ‘Jagat Tripura’ will empower citizens of the northeastern state, it is one of the many proactive initiatives undertaken by the state government to spur a technology-led innovation ecosystem.
The project was developed by EasyGov, a Jio Group company, and it will be available to all the residents of Tripura.
Quick Fact: Chief Minister of Tripura is Biplab Kumar Deb
3) Person in News
UN appoints Ligia Noronha as Assistant Secretary-General

UN chief Antonio Guterres has appointed leading Indian economist Ligia Noronha as Assistant Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).
Prior to joining the UNEP, Noronha worked at The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) in New Delhi as Executive Director (Research Coordination) and as Director of the Division on Resources, Regulation, and Global Security.
Ms. Norohna will succeed fellow Indian and development economist Satya Tripathi.
Quick Fact: United Nations Environment Programme is headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya
4) Person in News
Tarun Bajaj takes additional charge of Revenue Secretary

Department of economic affairs secretary, Tarun Bajaj has been given the additional responsibility of revenue secretary.
He replaced Ajay Bhushan Pandey who retired on 28th February and the Centre has not granted an extension to him.
Tarun Bajaj the charge of Economic Affairs Secretary last May, when India saw the worst contraction in history on account of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Quick Fact: Indira Gandhi was the first female Prime Minister and first female Finance Minister as well.
5) Defence
DRDO successfully flight test SFDR technology

The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) conducted a successful flight test of Solid Fuel Ducted Ramjet (SFDR) technology from the integrated test range (ITR), Chandipur, off Odisha coast.
The SDRF technology will help DRDO with the technological advantage to develop long-range air-to-air missiles (AAMs).
The SFDR is a missile propulsion system being developed primarily by the Defence Research and Development Laboratory (DRDL) and Research Centre Imarat (RCI) in Hyderabad.
Quick Fact: The Chairman of DRDO is Dr. G Satheesh Reddy
6) International Affairs
India downgraded from free to ‘partly free’ in democracy report

India’s status as a democracy and free society has been downgraded to “partly free” in the latest annual report on global political rights and liberties.
The report is published by Freedom House, a US government-funded NGO that studies political freedom around the world.
The report is titled “Freedom in the World 2021- Democracy under Siege”, India had a score of 67 out of 100.
Quick Fact: Article 19 of the Indian Constitution guarantees its citizens freedom of speech, assembly, association, movement, residence, and profession with reasonable restrictions.
7) Summit and Conferences
India-Sweden participate in a virtual summit 2021

PM Narendra Modi has participated in the virtual India-Sweden summit with the PM of Sweden Stefan Lofven.
The virtual summit was organised to exchange views on regional and global issues and to discuss the bilateral relations between the two countries.
Both leaders underlined the close relationship between India and Sweden which is based on democracy, rule of law, pluralism, equality, freedom of speech, and respect for human rights.
Quick Fact: Stockholm is the capital of Sweden
8) International Affairs
UNEP publishes “Food Waste Index Report, 2021”

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) published the “Food Waste Index Report,2021 which estimated 931 million tonnes of food was wasted across the world in 2019.
Out of total waste generation, households account for 61% of waste, food services for 26% while retail accounts for 13%.
The index report was published in collaboration with the partner organisation WRAP.
Quick Fact: UNEP was established by Maurice Strong, the first director.