As a part of the Indian subcontinent, we’ve been blessed with a rich culture and tradition. Not only India, but history is proof of the major happenings worldwide. Every event and festival is a celebration on its own. But, most importantly, it’s a sign of the past efforts, the fruit of which we enjoy today.
Finding more reasons to celebrate and have gratitude for?
Let’s know some of the National and International Important Days In July.
July 1
Chartered Accountants Day
The ICAI was established on July 1, 1949. This is the second largest professional Accounting and Finance Body in the world. Taking into consideration their efforts and services, we celebrate Chartered Accountants Day.
National Doctor’s Day
1st July is observed as National Doctors’ Day. Be it saving us from slight fever to fighting any pandemic, doctors are our saviours. Their contribution is beyond words and thus, it needs to be celebrated. Also, the advancements in the medical industry are commemorated on this day.
Canada Day
It is celebrated annually on July 1, as well as a statutory holiday in Canada. This is the anniversary to celebrate the formation of the union of the British North American province. This was a federation under the name of Canada.
July 2
World UFO Day
Founded by the UFO hunter Haktan Akdogan, World UFO Day is celebrated on July 2, every year. This day is celebrated so as to spread awareness amongst the people in relation to UFOs. This day was celebrated for the first time in 2001.
July 4
U.S. Independence Day
Every year, the U.S.A. celebrates its Independence on July, 4. They adopted the Declaration of Independence from Britain in 1776.
July 6
World Zoonoses Day
This day is observed to generate awareness about zoonotic disease and vaccines. The highlight is to spread awareness in relation to the problem and teach them to take the required action.
July 11
World Population Day
Every year, Population Day is celebrated worldwide. The main aim is to focus the attention of people on issues related to the world population.
July 12
National Simplicity Day
Henry David Thoreau was a diverse man. In simple terms, he was an advocate to live a life full of simplicity. To honour him, this day is celebrated.
Paper Bag Day
The paper bag is an invention that we don’t take much seriously. But, it’s an important one, for sure. This day is celebrated to recognize its importance.
Did you know, in 1852, Francis Wolle, invested in a machine for the mass production of paper bags?

July 14
Bastille Day
Those of you, with a good relation with history, might have guessed this by now. Bastille was stormed by common people, on this day. In 1859, this day marked a turning point in the French revolution.
July 17
World Day for International Justice
This day is also known as the Day of International Criminal Justice. This day is celebrated to recognize the emerging system for criminal justice.
July 18
International Nelson Mandela Day
Nelson Mandela was an iconic leader. This day celebrates his life and legacy. Also, we recognize what all needs to be done for a better world, on this day.
July 22
Pi Approximation Day
Now, this is another interesting one.
What is the fractional value of Pi? 22/7, right?
So, here you go. 22/7 is 22 July, every year.
July 24
National Thermal Engineer Day
The advancements in the thermal engineering industry are celebrated on this day. The importance of thermal management along with its packing solutions etc. needs to be highlighted.
July 26
Kargil Vijay Diwas
The success of ‘Operation Vijay’ marks the end of the Kargil War. This day is celebrated to honour and pay tribute to the Kargil War Heroes.
July 28
World Nature Conservation Day
A healthy environment is a base for a stable society. Thus, there is a need to preserve it for future generations. Our natural resources should be managed and conserved. Hence, this day is observed.
World Hepatitis Day
The day is observed to recognize the need for National as well as international efforts on Hepatitis. There is a need for people to be aware of this disease as well as the related consequences.
July 29
International Tiger Day
Taking the tiger population into the picture, this day is celebrated. The need for tiger conservation as well as the protected habitat of tigers is the main agenda.
National Refreshment Day
The fourth Thursday of July is celebrated as National Refreshment Day. This is a fun celebration for the refreshments we have during the hot summers.
National Parent’s Day
Every fourth Sunday of July is celebrated as National Parent’s Day. This day is a way to honour all the parents having a vital role in their child’s life.
So there you have it, the list of Important Days In July. Don’t forget to check out the list of Important Days in other months at Eazyprep!
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