

Price Monitoring and Resource Unit set up in Karnataka

1 13 Daily Current Affairs Update | 17 August 2020

The Price Monitoring and Resource Unit (PMRU) has been  established by National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA), Department of Pharmaceuticals, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers in association with Karnataka State Drug Control Department.

It will:

  1. will assist NPPA in monitoring the prices of drugs
  2. ensure availability of drugs
  3. raise consumer awareness
  4. act as collaborating partner of NPPA with information collecting mechanism at the grass-root level

2.International Affairs

Historic peace agreement between UAE and Israel

2 13 Daily Current Affairs Update | 17 August 2020

As per the agreement, UAE will establish diplomatic relations with Israel in return for Israel committing to give up a stated plan to annex the West Bank.

This makes UAE the third Arab nation to recognise Israel after Egypt (in 1979) and Jordan (1994)

This deal between the two most prosperous countries of the region will have a big effect on global geopolitics.

3.Person in News

Vice Admiral Dinesh K Tripathi assumes charge as DGNO

3 14 Daily Current Affairs Update | 17 August 2020

Vice Admiral Dinesh K Tripathi, AVSM, NM has been appointed as the Director General Naval Operations (DGNO).

He is a specialist in Communication and Electronic Warfare

As part of his Naval career, he has commanded INS Vinash, INS Kirch and INS Trishul

4.Person in News

Sudha Murthy and ITC’s Sivakumar awarded Gramodaya awards

4 13 Daily Current Affairs Update | 17 August 2020

Gramodaya awards recognise service rendered for population dependent on agriculture and allied activities for livelihood

Sudha Murthy, Chairperson of Infosys Foundation and Sivakumar, Group Head of Agri and IT Businesses of ITC Ltd has been awarded this year

Quick Fact: Gramodaya Bandhu Mitra Puraskaras have been instituted by Gramodaya Chamber of Commerce and Technology (GCOT)

5.Government Schemes

National Digital Health Mission launched

5 13 Daily Current Affairs Update | 17 August 2020

Launched on Independence Day by the PM, the mission includes:

  1. improving the efficiency, effectiveness and transparency of health care in India
  2. Launch of health  ID cards containing all relevant information about the person’s past medical condition, treatment and diagnosis
  3. Remote access to health services via Tele-consultation and E-Pharmacies

Quick Fact: The mission will operate under Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana or Ayushman Bharat

6.National Affairs

Central Water Commission and Google launch Flood forecasting Initiative

6 10 Daily Current Affairs Update | 17 August 2020

As part of this initiative:

  1. The local public will receive numerous alerts regarding the flood situation in the region
  2. people can learn about current water level in the region
  3. People can access colour-coded maps indicating flooded areas

Quick Fact: Sundar Pichai is the CEO of Google Inc.

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