
1.National Affairs

Indian flag hoisted for the first time in New York’s Times Square

1 14 Daily Current Affairs Update | 18 August 2020

Indian Tricolour flag was hoisted for the first time at the iconic Times Square in New York on the occasion of India’s 74th anniversary

The ceremony was organised by Federation of Indian Associations (FIA)

FIA, established in 1970, is the largest umbrella diaspora organisation that organises India Day Parade to mark India’s Independence Day.


NTPC develops infrastructure for increased use of Fly Ash

2 14 Daily Current Affairs Update | 18 August 2020

Fly ash is a coal combustion product used in cement, concrete and clay brick replacement

The infrastructure is being developed at Rihand, Uttar Pradesh to help NTPC achieve its goal of 100% utilisation of fly ash from power plants.

This will help in transporting fly ash to cement plants at cheaper cost.

3.India and the World

India sends specialist team for Mauritius Oil Spill under Mission SAGAR

3 15 Daily Current Affairs Update | 18 August 2020

Mauritius is fighting to contain an oil spill on its pristine south-east coast

India has sent 30 tonnes of technical equipment and material  as well as a 10-member Indian Coast Guard team to its aid as part of Mission SAGAR

SAGAR aims to deepen economic and security cooperation with maritime neighbours

Quick Fact: Mission SAGAR, Security Growth for All in the Region, was launched in 2015

4.National Affairs

Atal Tunnel to be inaugurated in Himachal Pradesh

4 14 Daily Current Affairs Update | 18 August 2020

Prime Minister will be inaugurating Atal Tunnel by the end of September 2020

The tunnel is being built under Rohtang Pass in the Pir Panjal range on the Leh-Manali highway.

The presence of 48 avalanche sites and extreme weather conditions made construction a challenge for BRO. 

The 8.8 km long long tunnel has strategic importance as it will transport military supply in Siachen Glacier and Aksai Chin

Quick Fact: The tunnel was initially proposed in 1860 by the Moravian Mission


India ranks first in organic farming

5 14 Daily Current Affairs Update | 18 August 2020

As per Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, 

  1. India ranks first in Organic Farming
  2.  India ranks ninth in terms of areas under Organic Farming

Major initiatives for organic farming taken by GoI were Mission Organic Value Chain Development for the North East Region and Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana

Quick Fact: Sikkim is the first state in the world to become completely organic.


Project Lion, Project Dolphin launched on 74th Independence Day

6 11 Daily Current Affairs Update | 18 August 2020

Project Lion will involve conservation of Asiatic Lions by:

  1. habitat development leveraging modern technologies
  2. addressing human-wildlife conflict
  3. involving local communities
  4. focusing on health management of lions

Project Dolphin, focussed primarily on Gangetic Dolphins, will involve conservation of Dolphins by:

  1. habitat conservation using modern technology especially in anti-poaching activities
  2. Involving fishermen and other local population

Quick Fact: Vikramshila Gangetic Dolphin Sanctuary is the only sanctuary for the Gangetic Dolphins in India

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