
1.India and the World

Ideas Summit 2020

1 20 Daily Current Affairs Update | 25 July 2020

PM Narendra Modi addressed the India Ideas Summit 2020 virtually

The summit is focused on strengthening domestic economic capacity to build economic resilience globally

The summit is being hosted by US-India Business Council (USIBC) on the occasion of its 45th anniversary

Quick Fact: The theme for Ideas Summit 2020 is Building a Better Future

2.Science and Technology

Comet NEOWISE closest to Earth on July 23

2 20 Daily Current Affairs Update | 25 July 2020

Comet NEOWISE is the brightest comet which can be seen from earth with a naked eye

It was reached closest to Earth on July 23rd 2020, visible after a gap of 6800 years

It was first discovered by NASA’s Near-Earth Object Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer

(NEOWISE) mission

Quick Fact: Comets are heated by the Sun and release gasses by a process known as outgassing

3.Person in News

Sumit Deb appointed as CMD of NMDC

3 20 Daily Current Affairs Update | 25 July 2020

National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC) is an iron ore mining corporation which functions under the Ministry of Steel

Sumit Deb is presently serving in NMDC as Director (Personnel)

He will be succeeding N Baijendra Kumar as CMD of NMDC

Quick Fact: The headquarters of NMDC is located in Hyderabad

4.Person in News

Arnab Chaudhuri gets posthumous Toonz Media Award 2020

4 20 Daily Current Affairs Update | 25 July 2020

Toonz Media Group annually honours individuals displaying animation genius in India

Animator Arnab Chaudhuri has been posthumously conferred with ‘Legend of Animation’ award by Toonz Media

He has won the award for his contribution to India’s animation industry

Quick Fact: Arnab Chaudhuri’s animation movie ‘Arjun: The Warrior Prince’ is the only Indian animation to be longlisted for Oscars

5.International Affairs

South Korea launched its first military satellite: ANASIS II

5 20 Daily Current Affairs Update | 25 July 2020

The launch of ANASIS II will make South Korea one of the ten global countries to have its own military communication satellite

It will bestow upon the country the capacity to compete with its nuclear armed neighbor North Korea

The rocket was launched by SpaceX from Cape Canaveral, Florida.

6.Science and Technology

Digantara develops India’s first in-orbit space debris monitoring and tracking system

6 18 Daily Current Affairs Update | 25 July 2020

Digantara is India’s first air and space surveillance company.

It will be developing India’s first in-orbit space debris monitoring and tracking system by deploying a constellation of cost-efficient nano satellites in the Low Earth Orbit.

Tracking and mapping space debris will minimize threats to future space exploration

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