
1.International Affairs

Testing video of the largest ever Hydrogen bomb blast released by Russia

1 26 Daily Current Affairs Update | 28 August 2020

Russia released a 40-minute video of detonation of the world’s most powerful hydrogen bomb, called Tsar, on August 27th

The Tsar bomb is supposedly 3,333 times more destructive than the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

So far, Britain, US, Russia, France and China have conducted hydrogen bomb tests

Quick Fact: Hydrogen bombs function on the phenomenon of Hydrogen fusion


NITI Aayog releases Export Preparedness Index, 2020

2 25 Daily Current Affairs Update | 28 August 2020

NITI Aayog, in partnership with Institute of Competitiveness, has released the Export Preparedness Index, 2020

Policy, Export Ecosystem, Business Ecosystem and Export Performance are the four parameters used in framing the index

Gujarat, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu have topped the index.

3.Science and Technology

WHO declares Africa free of Wild Polio

3 26 Daily Current Affairs Update | 28 August 2020

World Health Organisation has declared Africa polio-free. Nigeria was the last African country to be declared free from wild polio.

Now, only the vaccine derived polio virus, which mutates from the Oral Polio Vaccine, remains in Africa

Wild polio is now found only in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Quick Fact: Polio virus spreads through contaminated water

4.International Affairs

Rohingyas to be relocated to Bashan Char Island by Govt. of Bangladesh

4 24 Daily Current Affairs Update | 28 August 2020

In 2017, nearly 1 million Rohingyas fled from Rakhine State of Myanmar after a military crackdown.

Most of these Rohingyas are cramped at Cox’s Bazar, a port town in the south east coast of Bangladesh. 

To give them a better life, they will be relocated to a newly built facility at the Bashan Char Island

Quick Fact: Bashan Char Island, located in the Bay of Bengal, was formed very recently by Himalayan silt in 2006


RBI Annual Report 2019-20

5 24 Daily Current Affairs Update | 28 August 2020

The report is published annually by the Reserve Bank of India.

It analyses the operations of RBI and suggests measures to improve economic performance

The report has established it as a bank with the highest levels of financial resilience globally, with strong indicators like a decrease in the expenditure of 39.72%, an increase of 28.97% in total income, etc.

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