
Welcome to Reading Comprehension Test | RC Practice Questions 3

The following quiz will have 15 MCQs. The questions are framed to test your Reading Comprehension.

Reading Comprehension is a very important part of the verbal ability section of the most important entrance exams. Initially given a passage to read, you will be quizzed on aspects of the language such as meanings, synonyms, antonyms, etc., based on the given passage. Though the section might appear easy prima fascia, it can lead you to lose marks easily if you aren’t being attentive enough.

This quiz is intended to provide you a quick and thorough revision of Reading Comprehension. If you score less, please do not lose calm. Read the answers and the explanations provided to remember better. If you would like to ask anything or give us any feedback, leave a comment below and we will respond.

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The removal of Mikhail Gorbachev from power is _______. Read the following paragraph and answer.

Mikhail Gorbachev's ouster, though dramatic in every respect, is on no account a surprise. Both his foes and his closest friends have been warning of it with a heightened sense of urgency for the past several months. Its consequences, however, are wholly unpredictable. The USSR could well witness protracted violence should the reformists and those republics which have sought varying degrees of sovereignty for themselves choose to defy central authority. It is possible that the country after an initial period of uncertainty, and perhaps even violence, could revert to the pre-perestroika system. Equally uncertain is the course of East-West relations. These are bound to deteriorate though the extent of deterioration must remain a matter of conjecture. Hailed abroad as a leader who had dared to free Soviet citizens from fear, enabled the countries of Eastern Europe to become democracies even as they regained their full sovereign status, paved the way for the reunification of Germany, and exposed the moribund and totalitarian character of communism, he, at home appeared to come under fire from all sides.

During Gorbachev's reign, the Soviet people were _______. Read the following paragraph and answer.

Mikhail Gorbachev's ouster, though dramatic in every respect, is on no account a surprise. Both his foes and his closest friends have been warning of it with a heightened sense of urgency for the past several months. Its consequences, however, are wholly unpredictable. The USSR could well witness protracted violence should the reformists and those republics which have sought varying degrees of sovereignty for themselves choose to defy central authority. It is possible that the country after an initial period of uncertainty, and perhaps even violence, could revert to the pre-perestroika system. Equally uncertain is the course of East-West relations. These are bound to deteriorate though the extent of deterioration must remain a matter of conjecture. Hailed abroad as a leader who had dared to free Soviet citizens from fear, enabled the countries of Eastern Europe to become democracies even as they regained their full sovereign status, paved the way for the reunification of Germany, and exposed the moribund and totalitarian character of communism, he, at home appeared to come under fire from all sides.

The relations between the Soviet Union and the Western countries ________. Read the following passage and answer.

Mikhail Gorbachev's ouster, though dramatic in every respect, is on no account a surprise. Both his foes and his closest friends have been warning of it with a heightened sense of urgency for the past several months. Its consequences, however, are wholly unpredictable. The USSR could well witness protracted violence should the reformists and those republics which have sought varying degrees of sovereignty for themselves choose to defy central authority. It is possible that the country after an initial period of uncertainty, and perhaps even violence, could revert to the pre-perestroika system. Equally uncertain is the course of East-West relations. These are bound to deteriorate though the extent of deterioration must remain a matter of conjecture. Hailed abroad as a leader who had dared to free Soviet citizens from fear, enabled the countries of Eastern Europe to become democracies even as they regained their full sovereign status, paved the way for the reunification of Germany, and exposed the moribund and totalitarian character of communism, he, at home appeared to come under fire from all sides.

The post-Gorbachev era may witness _________. Read the following passage and answer.

Mikhail Gorbachev's ouster, though dramatic in every respect, is on no account a surprise. Both his foes and his closest friends have been warning of it with a heightened sense of urgency for the past several months. Its consequences, however, are wholly unpredictable. The USSR could well witness protracted violence should the reformists and those republics which have sought varying degrees of sovereignty for themselves choose to defy central authority. It is possible that the country after an initial period of uncertainty, and perhaps even violence, could revert to the pre-perestroika system. Equally uncertain is the course of East-West relations. These are bound to deteriorate though the extent of deterioration must remain a matter of conjecture. Hailed abroad as a leader who had dared to free Soviet citizens from fear, enabled the countries of Eastern Europe to become democracies even as they regained their full sovereign status, paved the way for the reunification of Germany, and exposed the moribund and totalitarian character of communism, he, at home appeared to come under fire from all sides.

As a result of Gorbachev's policies, the countries of Eastern Europe became ________. Read the following passage and answer.

Mikhail Gorbachev's ouster, though dramatic in every respect, is on no account a surprise. Both his foes and his closest friends have been warning of it with a heightened sense of urgency for the past several months. Its consequences, however, are wholly unpredictable. The USSR could well witness protracted violence should the reformists and those republics which have sought varying degrees of sovereignty for themselves choose to defy central authority. It is possible that the country after an initial period of uncertainty, and perhaps even violence, could revert to the pre-perestroika system. Equally uncertain is the course of East-West relations. These are bound to deteriorate though the extent of deterioration must remain a matter of conjecture. Hailed abroad as a leader who had dared to free Soviet citizens from fear, enabled the countries of Eastern Europe to become democracies even as they regained their full sovereign status, paved the way for the reunification of Germany, and exposed the moribund and totalitarian character of communism, he, at home appeared to come under fire from all sides.

Which of the following means 'No, Not a bit' as given in the conversation below?

'Ever since childhood I've wanted of mere curiosity to ask a king or a queen a couple of questions.' 

‘Go ahead I'm just as curious to know what they are, particularly from a woman.'

‘How does it feel to be what you are?' 

'It feels fine here in Greece because it's creative work, unlike in most countries.'

‘Do you feel superior because of your royal blood?' 

'No, not a bit.' 

'How did you feel in your childhood when you found out you were a princess?' 

'Troubled. I used to debate with myself! What right have you got to be on top without going through the struggle? Ultimately, Plato's literature solved my problem. He has mentioned that each class of society has its own functions and accordingly, leaders in order to perform their role had to be trained for it from childhood. I quieted my uneasiness by using the strategy of Plato's leaders.’

Which of the following made one of the persons in the conversation feel uneasy? Read the passage and answer.

'Ever since childhood I've wanted of mere curiosity to ask a king or a queen a couple of questions.' 

‘Go ahead I'm just as curious to know what they are, particularly from a woman.'

‘How does it feel to be what you are?' 

'It feels fine here in Greece because it's creative work, unlike in most countries.'

‘Do you feel superior because of your royal blood?' 

'No, not a bit.' 

'How did you feel in your childhood when you found out you were a princess?' 

'Troubled. I used to debate with myself! What right have you got to be on top without going through the struggle? Ultimately, Plato's literature solved my problem. He has mentioned that each class of society has its own functions and accordingly, leaders in order to perform their role had to be trained for it from childhood. I quieted my uneasiness by using the strategy of Plato's leaders.’

The questions asked in the below conversation can be classified as ______.

'Ever since childhood I've wanted of mere curiosity to ask a king or a queen a couple of questions.' 

‘Go ahead I'm just as curious to know what they are, particularly from a woman.'

‘How does it feel to be what you are?' 

'It feels fine here in Greece because it's creative work, unlike in most countries.'

‘Do you feel superior because of your royal blood?' 

'No, not a bit.' 

'How did you feel in your childhood when you found out you were a princess?' 

'Troubled. I used to debate with myself! What right have you got to be on top without going through the struggle? Ultimately, Plato's literature solved my problem. He has mentioned that each class of society has its own functions and accordingly, leaders in order to perform their role had to be trained for it from childhood. I quieted my uneasiness by using the strategy of Plato's leaders.’

Which of the following is most nearly the same in meaning as 'troubled' as used in the conversation below?

'Ever since childhood I've wanted of mere curiosity to ask a king or a queen a couple of questions.' 

‘Go ahead I'm just as curious to know what they are, particularly from a woman.'

‘How does it feel to be what you are?' 

'It feels fine here in Greece because it's creative work, unlike in most countries.'

‘Do you feel superior because of your royal blood?' 

'No, not a bit.' 

'How did you feel in your childhood when you found out you were a princess?' 

'Troubled. I used to debate with myself! What right have you got to be on top without going through the struggle? Ultimately, Plato's literature solved my problem. He has mentioned that each class of society has its own functions and accordingly, leaders in order to perform their role had to be trained for it from childhood. I quieted my uneasiness by using the strategy of Plato's leaders.’

The below conversation seems to have taken place between _______.

'Ever since childhood I've wanted of mere curiosity to ask a king or a queen a couple of questions.' 

‘Go ahead I'm just as curious to know what they are, particularly from a woman.'

‘How does it feel to be what you are?' 

'It feels fine here in Greece because it's creative work, unlike in most countries.'

‘Do you feel superior because of your royal blood?' 

'No, not a bit.' 

'How did you feel in your childhood when you found out you were a princess?' 

'Troubled. I used to debate with myself! What right have you got to be on top without going through the struggle? Ultimately, Plato's literature solved my problem. He has mentioned that each class of society has its own functions and accordingly, leaders in order to perform their role had to be trained for it from childhood. I quieted my uneasiness by using the strategy of Plato's leaders.’

The following passage is primarily concerned with _______.

Bacteria have also been found in 3-million-year-old permafrost dug up from Siberia. If there are any bacteria alive on Mars today, they would have had to have survived from the time before the planet cooled more than 3 billion years ago. Nevertheless, McKay is optimistic: "It may be possible that bacteria frozen into the permafrost at the Martian south pole may be viable.” McKay said algae are found in Antarctic lakes with permanently frozen surfaces. Although no lakes are thought to exist on Mars today, they might have existed long ago. If so, the dried-out Martian lake beds may contain the fossilized remain of algae. On Earth, Masses of microscopic algae form large, layered structures know as stromatolites, which survive as fossilized on lake beds, and the putative Martian algae might have done the same thing, said Jack Farmer, one of McKay's colleagues. The researchers are compiling a list of promising Martian lake beds to be photographed from spacecraft, said Farmer. Those photographs could help to select sites for landers that would search for signs of life, past or present. "If we find algae on Mars, I would say the universe is lousy with algae," McKay said, "Intelligence would be another question”.

Lichens survive in the extreme cold conditions of Antarctica on earth for all the following reasons, except ______. Read the passage and answer.

Bacteria have also been found in 3-million-year-old permafrost dug up from Siberia. If there are any bacteria alive on Mars today, they would have had to have survived from the time before the planet cooled more than 3 billion years ago. Nevertheless, McKay is optimistic: "It may be possible that bacteria frozen into the permafrost at the Martian south pole may be viable.” McKay said algae are found in Antarctic lakes with permanently frozen surfaces. Although no lakes are thought to exist on Mars today, they might have existed long ago. If so, the dried-out Martian lake beds may contain the fossilized remain of algae. On Earth, Masses of microscopic algae form large, layered structures know as stromatolites, which survive as fossilized on lake beds, and the putative Martian algae might have done the same thing, said Jack Farmer, one of McKay's colleagues. The researchers are compiling a list of promising Martian lake beds to be photographed from spacecraft, said Farmer. Those photographs could help to select sites for landers that would search for signs of life, past or present. "If we find algae on Mars, I would say the universe is lousy with algae," McKay said, "Intelligence would be another question”.

Which of the following statements is not true? Read the passage and answer.

Bacteria have also been found in 3-million-year-old permafrost dug up from Siberia. If there are any bacteria alive on Mars today, they would have had to have survived from the time before the planet cooled more than 3 billion years ago. Nevertheless, McKay is optimistic: "It may be possible that bacteria frozen into the permafrost at the Martian south pole may be viable.” McKay said algae are found in Antarctic lakes with permanently frozen surfaces. Although no lakes are thought to exist on Mars today, they might have existed long ago. If so, the dried-out Martian lake beds may contain the fossilized remain of algae. On Earth, Masses of microscopic algae form large, layered structures know as stromatolites, which survive as fossilized on lake beds, and the putative Martian algae might have done the same thing, said Jack Farmer, one of McKay's colleagues. The researchers are compiling a list of promising Martian lake beds to be photographed from spacecraft, said Farmer. Those photographs could help to select sites for landers that would search for signs of life, past or present. "If we find algae on Mars, I would say the universe is lousy with algae," McKay said, "Intelligence would be another question”.

The most primitive forms of life likely to exist on Mars are all the following, except ______. Read the passage and answer.

Bacteria have also been found in 3-million-year-old permafrost dug up from Siberia. If there are any bacteria alive on Mars today, they would have had to have survived from the time before the planet cooled more than 3 billion years ago. Nevertheless, McKay is optimistic: "It may be possible that bacteria frozen into the permafrost at the Martian south pole may be viable.” McKay said algae are found in Antarctic lakes with permanently frozen surfaces. Although no lakes are thought to exist on Mars today, they might have existed long ago. If so, the dried-out Martian lake beds may contain the fossilized remain of algae. On Earth, Masses of microscopic algae form large, layered structures know as stromatolites, which survive as fossilized on lake beds, and the putative Martian algae might have done the same thing, said Jack Farmer, one of McKay's colleagues. The researchers are compiling a list of promising Martian lake beds to be photographed from spacecraft, said Farmer. Those photographs could help to select sites for landers that would search for signs of life, past or present. "If we find algae on Mars, I would say the universe is lousy with algae," McKay said, "Intelligence would be another question”.

Exobiologists might find on Mars algae similar to stromatolites on earth because _____. Read the passage and answer.

Bacteria have also been found in 3-million-year-old permafrost dug up from Siberia. If there are any bacteria alive on Mars today, they would have had to have survived from the time before the planet cooled more than 3 billion years ago. Nevertheless, McKay is optimistic: "It may be possible that bacteria frozen into the permafrost at the Martian south pole may be viable.” McKay said algae are found in Antarctic lakes with permanently frozen surfaces. Although no lakes are thought to exist on Mars today, they might have existed long ago. If so, the dried-out Martian lake beds may contain the fossilized remain of algae. On Earth, Masses of microscopic algae form large, layered structures know as stromatolites, which survive as fossilized on lake beds, and the putative Martian algae might have done the same thing, said Jack Farmer, one of McKay's colleagues. The researchers are compiling a list of promising Martian lake beds to be photographed from spacecraft, said Farmer. Those photographs could help to select sites for landers that would search for signs of life, past or present. "If we find algae on Mars, I would say the universe is lousy with algae," McKay said, "Intelligence would be another question”.

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