
In this article you will learn:

  • Sentence Connectors
  • Functions of Sentence Connectors
  • Sentence Connectors List and Examples

Exam Connect:

Sentence Connectors are words that are used to connect sentences so that there is a logical continuity between both. They help in understanding how an idea in a given sentence, leads to the sentence right after it. Usually, a candidate gets a sentence where he/ she has to fill in the appropriate sentence connector. Sentence Connector questions for competitive exams are one of the most important parts of the verbal ability section of English for Entrance Exams.  Questions appear in the forms of:    

  • Fill in the blanks
  • Choose the right Option
Sentence Connectors

Sentence Connectors

Sentence Connectors help in understanding the logical connection between two sentences. Consider the following sentences:

  • He drove very fast to the railway station. However, he missed the train.
  • She said she was tired. Yet she came to the party.

In the above-given sentences, the words However and Yet connects the two sentences logically. They are examples of Sentence Connectors.

Functions of Sentence Connectors

Sentence Connectors have different functions. A few of them are listed below:

  • Adding and Listing
  • Changing the Subject
  • Explanation
  • Summary and Generalisation
  • Indicating Time Relations
  • Indicating Cause and Effect
  • Indicating Comparison
  • Indicating Contrast
  • Indicating Concession

Sentence Connectors List and Examples

A few examples of Sentence Connectors according to their function and along with a few examples are given below:

FunctionSentence Connectors UsedExamples
Adding and Listingbesides, further, furthermore, also, and, and then, again, moreover, to begin with, in addition, likewise, finally, next, firstly, secondly, etc.I don’t eat strawberries. Moreover, I am allergic to it too.
Changing the Subjectincidentally, by the way, etc.I have not seen the movie. By the way, did you hear it was nominated for an Oscar?
Explanationthat is, that is to say, in other words, for example, for instance, to illustrate, etc. Most monuments are built in memory of someone. For example, the Taj Mahal.
Summary and Generalisationto sum up, to summarise, in short, in brief, in a word, on the whole, in all, altogether, generally, as a rule, etc.Studying at the last moment is not a good idea. Generally procrastination isn’t a good idea.
Indicating Time Relationsafterwards, after a short time, at that time, meanwhile, in the meanwhile, at last, at length, etc.My sister was watching a movie. Meanwhile, I was taking a nap.
Indicating Cause and Effectso, therefore, consequently, as a result, accordingly, hence, thus, meanwhile, at last, at length, etc.I have to go to Delhi tomorrow. So I can’t attend the party.
Indicating Comparisonsimilarly, likewise, in the same way, etc.I don’t like water rides. Similarly, I don’t like roller coasters too.
Indicating Contrasthowever, nevertheless, but, yet, still, on the other hand, on the contrary, in contrast, etc.I wanted to go for the concert. However, I had to work late that night.
Indicating Concessionof course, after all, at the same time, etc.I lent her my earrings. After all, what are friends for?
Sentence Connectors

Sentence Connectors Questions for Practice

Fill in the blanks with the suitable sentence connectors:

1. It wasn’t a good restaurant. ____________ we would have eaten there.

  1. Otherwise
  2. Moreover
  3. That is
  4. None of the Above

Answer: A

Explanation: The sentence connector here indicates contrast. 

2. Arun had not paid the fine. ________ he was made to call for his parents.

  1. Otherwise
  2. As a result
  3. That is
  4. None of the Above

Answer: B

Explanation: The sentence connector here indicates cause and effect. 

3. Raj was very good at speaking French. ____________ he had spent three years in France.

  1. Otherwise
  2. Moreover
  3. After all
  4. None of the Above

Answer: C

Explanation: The sentence connector here indicates concession. 

4. Mira was tired after all the dancing at the party. ________ she went to bed as soon as she got back home.

  1. So
  2. Moreover
  3. That is
  4. None of the Above

Answer: A

Explanation: The sentence connector here indicates cause and effect. 

5. He doesn’t need any help from us. _______ it should be us going to him for help.

  1. Otherwise
  2. On the contrary
  3. That is
  4. None of the Above

Answer: B

Explanation: The sentence connector here indicates contrast. 

Sentence Connectors

English for Entrance Exams is generally an easy section for any entrance examinations, but the grammar part of it has always confused exam takers. Questions of the section conduct tests about the in-depth knowledge of a student in using the English Language. Hope this article was helpful to you in understanding the Sentence Connectors Questions of entrance exams. All the best!

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