IPM Bodh Gaya is one of the most sought-after courses in India. The admissions to the Integrated Program in Management at IIM Bodh Gaya is done through the JIPMAT or Joint Integrated Program in Management Admission Test, conducted for admission into the 5-Year IPM at IIM Bodh Gaya and IIM Jammu. The Five Year Integrated Program in Management (IPM) aims to prepare young professionals full of managerial and decision-making capabilities using an ultra-modern academic pedagogy of global standards based on a Holistic and Multidisciplinary Curriculum.
The Five Year Full-time Residential Integrated Program is strategically designed with a blend of science, social science, and management courses. The program’s ultimate aim is to integrate management education with Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). The course structure and the campus facilities that are offered to students of the course are given in this article.

Course Structure of IPM Bodh Gaya
The duration of the IPM Bodh Gaya is five years, where the first three years of the IPM program would be based on the semester system and the last two years would be based on the trimester system. The first three years of the IPM program would be based on the semester system and the last two years would be based on the trimester system (as per the prevailing MBA course structure).
At the end of the 2nd year, students will have an option to undertake either a) Rural and Social Immersion Project, b) A research-based project or c) a business internship. During the sixth semester of the program, students will have the option to select a sector-specific specialization. The course structure after the sixth semester would follow the MBA course structure. The tentative curriculum for the first three years is as under :
1st year
- Economics for Business
- Accountancy
- Business Mathematics
- Sociology
- Psychology
- Indian and World History
- Business Communication
- Principles and Practices of Management
- Management Information System
- Principles of Computational Thinking
2nd year
- Indian and Global Economy
- Marketing Management
- Data Analytics
- Financial Management
- Indian and World Geography
- Consumer Behavior
- Business Research
- Technologies in Business
- Indian Polity
3rd Year
- Developmental Economics
- Branding and Advertising
- Business Ethics
- Supply Chain Management
- Industrial Relations and Labour Laws
- Organizational Behavior
- Business Laws
- Public Policy
The classes of IPM Bodh Gaya consist of case studies, group and individual projects, student presentations, simulation exercises, business games, role play, field visits, etc. Many courses bring in industry experts to integrate classroom learning with industry practice.

IPM Bodh Gaya Fee Structure
The fee inclusive of the hostel would be Rs.4.5 Lacs per year for the first three years. Candidates have to bear the mess charges as per prevailing rates of IIM Bodh Gaya. The tentative tuition fees for the 4th and 5th year would be Rs.7.5 Lacs per year (approximately equivalent PGP fee for batch 2024-26). Candidates opting for international immersion would have to pay the applicable fee.
Campus Facilities
IIM Bodh Gaya Library acts as a learning resource centre for the IIM Bodh Gaya academic fraternity. The objective of the library is to facilitate appropriate and user-friendly access to current and relevant information to its patrons. The Library holds a rich collection of printed as well as electronic resources which include books, journals, E-Databases, E-journals, reports, case studies, etc. The library is subscribing to electronic resources like Elsevier Science Direct, Emerald Management E-Journals, EBSCO Business Source Complete, ABI Inform (ProQuest), Bloomberg Terminal, ACE Equity Databases, CMIE- ProwessIQ, and indiastat.com. IIMBG Library is a fully computerized library using Open Source Software KOHA-LMS for its housekeeping operations.
The Library offers convenient campus-wide access to digital resources through its subscription to e-databases & e-journals and also facilitates finds out the real-time availability of library materials from their own computer terminals.
Other Facilities
- Wi-Fi access
- Hostels
- Smart classrooms
- Smart laboratories
- Lecture halls, seminar rooms, conference rooms, and Auditoriums
- Sports facilities
- Cafeteria

Thus, IPM Bodh Gaya is a good option for you if you are interested in studying the business field. Hope this article gave you a header regarding the course you are applying for.