CLAT Last Minute Tips are very important when it comes to the Common Law Admission Test (CLAT), the entrance examination for any of the top law institutions in India. Candidates need to clear CLAT to secure admission into BA LLB (Hons), BSc LLB (Hons), BBA LLB (Hons), BSW LLB (Hons), and BCom LLB (Hons) programs on offer at the National Law Universities.
The eligibility of candidates for CLAT is the completion of 10+2 or equivalent examinations from a recognized board with English as a subject. The preparation process of CLAT is very detail-oriented and tiring, especially when it comes to the weeks right before the examination. Here in this article, you can read the different tips suggested by CLAT toppers in successfully utilizing the few weeks before the exam to prepare well and come out of the test with flying colors.

CLAT Last Minute Tips from Toppers
The most important of all CLAT last minute tips is that the week right before the exam should be completely dedicated to revision. Do not try to learn new concepts during this time, but make sure you remember everything you have learned. Go back to the basic knowledge of each section and brush up on your facts.
Frequently asked topics
Another of the important jobs to do in the week leading to the exam is to identify those topics that have been asked frequently in the previous years’ question papers. Once you get an idea, go through those topics and subjects once again and ensure that you know all the basics, if questions are repeated from those.
Legal and General Knowledge
Another of the CLAT last minute tips that toppers would suggest is to focus on your legal and general knowledge. For current affairs, give attention to those news articles that have made headlines in the 10 months leading to the exam, especially if they are legal of nature. According to toppers, LiveMint and The Wire can be good source materials.

Mock Tests
Another tip that everybody agrees on is to attempt as many mock tests as you can. They will help you in time management, letting you know how much time you are taking for each section. This way, you will get to know which section you have to complete first in order to take your time and finish another, probably the section that you find a little tough.
Keep Calm
Another important factor to keep in mind is to keep calm and not panic. The weeks leading up to the exam can be stressful, but try to stay relaxed. Do not study for more than 10 hours a day. Take breaks in between, go for a run, or watch a movie. Studying while under stress does not help you to learn something new or retain what you have already learned. So keep calm and relax!
English Comprehension is an important part of the exam. One of the CLAT last minute tips that toppers offer is to read through the editorial sections of The Hindu newspaper. It gives you a better grip on how language can be used. Also, a tip to keep in mind is that while attempting reading comprehension questions, read the question thoroughly before the passage so that you can fish out the answers in the first attempt itself, without going back and forth, wasting time.
Basic Maths
The section on Mathematical abilities can be a little tough for most of the candidates appearing for the CLAT exam. The primary and the most crucial step is to learn your basics well. One of the websites that will help, according to CLAT toppers is If you can’t learn new concepts, don’t waste your time on it, be thorough on the basic ones.

Hope this article gave you basic CLAT Last Minute Tips that are advocated by the toppers of the exam. We wish you all the best in all your future endeavors.